Episode 053 - #TRUSTYOURSELF No one knows better than you

No one knows better than you do.

Sit with that for a second.

In our society, we’re basically taught from childhood that there is always someone - whether that be a parent, teacher or other authority figure - who knows better than we do. And when we’re kids there might be some truth in that, but as the rhythm of obedience is beaten into us as children we move into adulthood not fully connected to our power.

The reality is that no one knows you better than you.

No one knows your wants, needs or desires better than you do.

No one knows your goals or your hopes and dreams better than you do.

So why are we so quick to give our power away?

That’s the topic I’m diving into on this week’s episode of the podcast!

This week’s episode starts with a personal share of how I’ve been giving my power away and the very real consequences that this had on me. I take you through my personal experience and what I did to correct it in the hopes of saving you a boatload of time!

Tune in below if you’re ready to take your power back! 💪🏻

If you’re interested in hearing about what it would be like to work together, what support I offer and how we can make your dreams a reality then please reach out to me here.

If you’d like to connect with me more or submit a topic for the podcast you can do that here.

If you’re interested in learning more about what coaching with me is like, please head here.

Want more podcast episodes to binge? Those are available here!


Episode 054 - No more sacrificing! (How to build better relationships)


Episode 052 - Can you let it all be easy?