Episode 070 - Your desires are meant for you | Inner worthiness

You are meant to have what you want. You are worthy of anything you want.

There is nothing stopping you from wanting any of the amazing things that are available to you as part of this human existence.

So why, then, do you want the very specific things that you want?

Because those things are meant for you.

In this episode of the podcast, I show you how to truly understand that your desires are meant for you and how to begin feeling worthy of and taking action towards them.

You are worthy of a beautiful, happy life. You are worthy of every single thing that is in your heart. I hope that this episode taps you into that energy.

If you’re interested in hearing about what it would be like to work together, what support I offer and how we can make your dreams a reality then please reach out to me here.

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If you’re interested in learning more about what coaching with me is like, please head here.

Want more podcast episodes to binge? Those are available here!


Episode 069 - Remembering our humanness | Energy embodiment