Episode 067 - Do you even want that? (Refining your desires)

Do you know what you really want?

And I mean really, really.

Not something that you kind of, sort of want. Or something you think you should want. Or something that your mother / sister / friend / partner wants for you?

Just something that you want - just for you?

What would be different in your life if you took a second to sit with this question and analyze what comes up?

We spend a lot of time chasing after things, situations, experiences and even people and sometimes we do it from a space of not truly being certain that we even want these things. Sometimes we chase because we think it’s what we should want based on our cultural or societal upbringing.

But I want to know what’s truly in your heart.

In this episode, we talk about refining your desires and the first step is making sure that your desires are actually yours. I give some examples of both internal and external goals (including some from my personal experience) that we might work towards without ever asking ourselves if it's what we really want. Towards the end of the episode, I take you through an exercise to help you get clear on what isn't working and how to tap into what you truly want.

This episode will unlock a sense of freedom within you to truly go after what lights you up and what is truly aligned with your values.

If you’re interested in hearing about what it would be like to work together, what support I offer and how we can make your dreams a reality then please reach out to me here.

If you’d like to connect with me more or submit a topic for the podcast you can do that here.

If you’re interested in learning more about what coaching with me is like, please head here.

Want more podcast episodes to binge? Those are available here!


Episode 068 -Cultivating a sense of inner peace


Episode 066 - Temple or Fixer Upper? (Reframing ideas of self-worth)